I breastfed my little lady for a year. And I loved breastfeeding. It was so convenient. It worked for me and my little lady. And I support anyone who wants to feed their baby in whatever way they want to, anywhere they want to. But I do think that some people just need to chill out sometimes.
Feeding Rooms Part I: Out of Town Shopping Centres
A brand new mummy friend asked me the other day about feeding rooms in shopping centres. I used them for the first little while I was out & about (until I realised that people don’t really care that you’re breastfeeding) so I thought I’d write about those I used: the good, the bad and the …
A Very First Birthday
Our little lady is 1 year old! Her very first birthday. I feel like I have to keep saying that out loud, and eventually it will sink in, because I really can’t believe it. At all. This year has been the quickest, most exciting, tiring, fun, educational, grubby, sociable and amazing year. It feels like yesterday that …
Breastfeeding support in Glasgow
I’m a breastfeeder. Or I am with my little lady. (Who knows what’ll happen if I eventually have another kid.) As I’ve written about before, it was difficult at the beginning. And I didn’t know what I was doing. But after the first few weeks it had all worked out and we were doing well. …