Dumfries House is set in beautiful grounds. There are lots of bits to entertain kids and their Engineering Playpark (a water play area) is absolutely fantastic. We all had a blast!
Little Explorer Days at the Science Centre
The little lady is dinosaur daft. So we went to one of the Dino Dig Little Explorer Days in the Science Centre. The little lady had a fantastic time making and playing and exploring!
Totnosh Toddler Cooking Classes
The little lady and I just finished a block of cooking classes with Totnosh in Barrhead. She loves helping in the kitchen anyway, but she had a great time trying out new foods and bossing me around as her helper. Great fun & lots of new ideas for toddler food!
New Lanark & Falls of Clyde
New Lanark is a great day out whether you want to spend it indoors or outdoors. The Annie McLeod Experience is something fun and unusual for a rainy day, and the Falls of Clyde Reserve is a lovely place for a walk.
Bookbug Bags – Did You Get Yours?
Bookbug bags are gifted to every child in Scotland. They are completely free and full of books and bits for you to share with your child. The books we received in ours were great. They included those in the photo above, all of which are still some of the little lady’s favourites, and most of …
The Glasgow Science Centre
We took our first (long awaited, in my case) trip to the Science Centre at the weekend. Full disclosure: I worked there when I was a student, and I loved it, and I’m also a tiny bit of a science geek, so my review may not be entirely unbiased. But anyway, the review. Where do …
Science Here We Come!
I was so excited to cash in our vouchers for our science passports at the weekend; a very thoughtful Christmas gift from my family.
Our science passports mean we can visit the Science Centre for a year at anytime, for free! They’re £24 for the year for adults & £18 for kids 3-15 yrs. Under 3’s are free.
Go 3 times in a year & you’ll have paid more than that so they’re very much worth it!
Review of our first visit coming soon…