I went along to some post-natal training sessions with Lynsey, the Mighty Mama coach. Classes focussed on strengthening the pelvic floor and core. Lots of hard work (in a good way) but fun too. Kids can come along as well so no need to find childcare!
1 day more…
Today has been a really weird day for me. It’s the strangest feeling knowing that this is my last day of being pregnant.
Prenatal Yoga at Yogabellies
I just finished up with my lovely Yogabellies class. Not only was it was the most relaxing part of my week, but it was quite nice to be in a room full of pregnant ladies who were all having similar experiences to me.
Pregnancy update: 41 weeks
Last Saturday was due date. I spent the entire weekend, plus a few days afterwards willing baby to come out. Due date felt like reaching a huge milestone: the end of pregnancy and the beginning of a brand new chapter in the life of our family. But it wasn’t yet. This little one has kept …
Pregnancy update: 40 weeks! Due date is here.
Today is due date. Every day this past week my husband has asked me “Do you think it’s today?” And no, I still don’t. I’ve had a couple of mild Braxton Hicks here and there, but absolutely nothing to suggest that baby is on the move yet…
5 things I miss the most when pregnant
There aren’t very many things that I really miss when pregnant. Mostly because I realise that I’m growing a human. But there are a few.
Pregnancy update: 36 weeks
I remember last time round I had nothing at all to do except bounce on a ball, watch TV, have a lie down & eat ice poles for the final month of pregnancy.
Aquanatal Classes
I’ve been going along to aquanatal at Scotstoun Leisure Centre for a few months now. I really enjoy it: I get to meet people; I don’t need to do toddler bedtime; and of course it’s a little bit of exercise.
Pregnancy update: 33 weeks
We’re 33 weeks pregnant (how did that happen so quickly?) and really into the home straight. The bump feels really big now and bending down is just not happening unless absolutely necessary!
5 things I love about being pregnant
I’m one of those annoying people who really loves being pregnant and has had an easy time of it. These are my favourite things about being pregnant.
5 things I want to achieve before baby pops out
There a few things I’d love to get finished (or started) before baby arrives. I doubt I’ll get them all done, but if I write them down it might happen!
Pregnancy update: 28 weeks
I’m 28 weeks pregnant. I can’t believe how quickly this pregnancy is going. I feel like time has sped up since before our little lady was born almost 3 years ago. As with my last pregnancy, I’ve been so lucky and everything has been going well. I feel great. I wish my hair had become beautifully …
Time to come clean…
You might have noticed things have been a bit quieter around here of late. Since Christmas actually. Well I thought it was about time to come clean…