I’m a breastfeeder. Or I am with my little lady. (Who knows what’ll happen if I eventually have another kid.) As I’ve written about before, it was difficult at the beginning. And I didn’t know what I was doing. But after the first few weeks it had all worked out and we were doing well.
The midwives and health visitor kept telling me about breastfeeding support. I was given some leaflets with times and addresses. They didn’t look very official, but it seemed that there were quite a few in the west end. A friend had told me about one she’d been along to in St Silas Church in Woodlands, so we decided to go check it out.
Honestly, I didn’t go particularly because I wanted breastfeeding support; I mainly went that first time because I wanted to get out of the house. But when I was there I realised that it wasn’t just about getting help with breastfeeding or getting your baby weighed (which I did with ridiculous regularity for months). Yes, everyone there is trying to breastfeed. But everyone there also has a baby. I know that sounds stupidly obvious, but let me explain what I mean.
It’s a place to go on a Thursday where I can feed my little lady and sit and chat to other brand new mummies. The chat is likely to be a bit about breastfeeding problems and solutions. Although I’ve found it relatively easy (except in the beginning) there have been points where it’s been difficult – in the past 9 months I’ve had boob lumps, nipple blisters, I’ve had to milk myself on many occasions (haven’t we all?) and although feeding hasn’t been painful at all, sometimes the boobs are just a bit tender. I’ve gotten advice on all of these things.
But there’s also lots of other stuff going on. I learned weaning ideas; I learned about Conotrane – the nappy rash cream I still use now; I heard about classes and things to do with my baby; I met a group of friends that are still my friends now, and their little’s are friends with mine; I got advice on everything, both from the other mummies there and the health visitors; and I listened to other mummies and babies having the same issues as me. So many things I can’t even remember. All useful, and all made a difference in our lives.
It’s a drop in – so although it’s on for an hour and a half, you can just arrive whenever you arrive; it doesn’t matter. We’re late to everything, so that’s a definite bonus for me! There’s always a health visitor there so you can get advice from them about anything baby related. And you can get your baby weighed too (although I would say don’t wait until the end for this because the health visitors like to leave sharpish!)
I can’t even say how helpful breastfeeding support has been. And I’m so glad that I’ve gone along, even though we go far less now than we used to. I’ve made quite a few mummy friendships here since we first started going along, but I’m really grateful to all the other mummies I’ve met there. You’ve helped me in so many ways – even just to calm me a little if it’s been a hard day/night.
I only ever went along to the one in St Silas Church, but I really hope that the other groups are as friendly and inclusive as this one was. I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I can’t find any specific information (times & places) about breastfeeding support groups in Glasgow online, except NCT ones. I’m looking into this!