31 weeks. I can’t believe we’ve only got 9 weeks to go already. I’ve been lucky to have 2 pretty easy pregnancies with just a little morning sickness in the first few months, and a bit of a weak stomach on occasion. Apart from the odd twinge here and there I’ve been able to really enjoy it. This second pregnancy is flying by so quickly, but I’m consciously trying to appreciate everything about it, because it may very well be the last time I ever get to experience it.
I will admit that I’m one of those annoying people who really loves being pregnant. There’s nothing that I really miss so much that I crave it even though I know I can’t have it: the cheeses, a rare steak, pate; I could live without all of those for much longer than a pregnancy (although I might not want to). And I don’t miss alcohol at all, one of the things I know that some of my friends have missed during their pregnancies.
I love so many things about being pregnant. Sometimes I think I’d love this pregnancy to last much longer. (But then I look down at my swollen feet and think perhaps not.) Anyway, these are my favourite things about being pregnant:
- Feeling the kicks. I’m the only person in the whole world who can feel every one of those little movements and kicks. I know that baby is there, all the time; I feel everything baby does. And I know that baby feels all the things I do too. It’s one of the most beautiful and comforting things in the whole world. It could just be our little secret, but it’s lovely to share it with baby’s daddy too. And whoever else decides to have a feel.
- Seeing the bump grow. This time round I feel like the bump has grown a lot quicker than it did the last time!
- Imagining what this new baby might be like. What he/she will look like, if they will have some of the personality traits that their big sister has…
- Having almost everyone I know be excited about the same thing as me. And having them all guess what gender the baby will be. Or what name we’ll give it. This time round it’s even lovelier to be able to share our excitement with our little lady. She loves talking & listening to baby inside my belly, and it’s the cutest thing in the whole world.
- That I don’t have to feel bad about taking things slowly. Apart from having a newborn, I feel that pregnancy is one of the few times when you can actually just go at your own pace, without judgement from yourself or anyone else. It’s kinda nice.