My squishy baby boy and I have been going along to Hartbeeps in the St Enoch Centre for quite a few months now. It’s one of the few classes we’ve been able to go to regularly, just the two of us. (Most other days he just gets dragged around to watch what the little lady is doing. Cue mummy guilt…)
But we usually have one day a week together, just us, and we usually go along to Hartbeeps. Because he absolutely loves it.
The Class
The class is in 3 parts. It begins with the same hello and welcome song every week. There are a few songs to start, usually with toys and props (and a photo op with a hat or headband for baby to wear!)
The middle part is the activity section where we see what’s under the ‘sunshine blanket’ (big sparkly blanket that squishy would be happy to flap around and chew on for the entire time we are there if we’d let him). There are always lots of toys and props and visual sensory aids, all in keeping with the theme of the week.
The class always ends with some calm time; with stars and lights and feathers and a nice calm song and cuddles. And for us, usually a good feed as he’s totally knackered by this point!
Each week has a different theme. We’ve been on a teddy bears picnic, into space, had a lovely valentines class, a jungle adventure and an in the garden theme with bumblebees and ladybugs and wiggly worms. Plus loads of others.
The Cost
Hartbeeps costs £6 per class. If you go regularly and pay per month, it costs £5 per class.
The Extra Bits
Parking in St Enoch can add up a bit but it’s £1.40 (I think) if you’re there for an hour. (I did quite like having a wander around the shops afterwards though!)
Kat, who takes the classes, is lovely and is great with the babies. As an added bonus she is also an excellent singer; dare I say… something you don’t come across frequently at children’s classes! Baby boy absolutely loves listening to her sing – as soon as she starts his attention is with her.
Big sis is sometimes off nursery and on those days she can come along to help. She likes to bring her own baby with her.
The Verdict
Hartbeeps is a full on sensory experience for baby boy. There is a similar structure week to week which becomes familiar to your baby (and very exciting for them too) but every class is still different. There is so much for him to take in at each class. Every week he has a good feed at the end and a very good sleep afterwards. That alone makes it worthwhile! The whole learning thing is a bonus. 😉
Hartbeeps classes take place in various locations throughout and around Glasgow. Visit the website to find out where your nearest class is.
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