I’m so sad that our Fitdankbaby classes are finished. It is my favourite class that I’ve done with baby boy. Every Tuesday I felt great afterwards, and every Tuesday he had a really great sleep afterwards!
The Class
Fitdankbaby is an exercise class that incorporates baby into your workout, and also gives baby a bit of playtime and fun.
Class starts with leg exercises (lots of squats and lunges) and baby is strapped onto you in a velcro belt, adding a bit of extra weight to your exercises and making it a bit more difficult. Baby boy absolutely adored being in the velcro belt. He’d start every week smiling and laughing, and by the end of the legs bit he’d invariably be asleep. It was clearly very comfy and cosy in there!
Similarly for the arm exercises baby is used as a weight and so is in your arms. Some of the arm exercises involve singing songs with actions for baby. My little man loved this bit – who doesn’t like a bit of wheels on the bus?! As the weeks go on and you get a bit better with the exercises, your baby gets heavier. And so the class gets progressively and slightly more difficult each week.
There is always a core exercise section too; all tailored to post-natal mums. Baby can either play with the toys or with you as you do press ups, up and down, above him. Class always has some pelvic floor exercises too.
The babies take part in your workout anyway. But there is also a mat of toys in the middle of the room for them to play with and explore. And class always ends with a bit of parachute playtime, bubbles and a little chat with a fluffy puppet!
If the babies got a bit tired, hungry or grumbly, which they tended to do towards the end of the class a couple of times, Siobhan was great at giving them a quick cuddle while we finished the set we were doing.
The Cost
Classes cost £7 each and last about an hour.
The Verdict
Fitdankbaby is my favourite exercise-with-baby class I’ve ever done; I love how much the babies are incorporated into your workout.
This class made me feel great afterwards. And made me feel like I’d worked hard. I really enjoyed it. The little man had a great time too – he absolutely adored being in the velcro carrier. He really enjoyed being my weight, and my wingman. 🙂
Siobhan’s FitDankBaby classes take place in Glasgow West End and in Bishopbriggs. You can find all the info on classes and times here: www.fitdankbaby.co.uk and on her facebook page here: Fitdankbabyglasgow. (Please note that Siobhan is on maternity leave until later this year.)