I love Christmas. In fact I love everything about this time of year. The cold weather and woolly hats, the colourful lights, the excuse to shop, the mulled wine, the comfort food and the crap load of chocolate I get to eat more guilt free than normal. But most of all I love the magic and excitement surrounding Christmas. I happily admit I’m like a big kid myself, but with actual kids around it’s so much more magical.
This will be the first year that the little lady fully understands Santa. It’s been a tough few months for her. She’s had to get used to sharing me with a new tiny person who takes up a ton of my time, and she’s also had to get used to me not being able or having time to spend with her. Due to our new arrival we’ve been at home a lot more in the past 2 months than we were before, and she’s watched a considerable amount of tv in that time.
We aren’t really quite at the stage of getting back out and about again just yet, however I really want this Christmas to be special for her. So I’m making a conscious effort to do things with her throughout December. I’ve arranged a few Christmas activities with some of her friends, but there are lots of other Christmassy things I’d like to try to do. I know it’s going to be difficult when I’ve got a baby attached to me, but I thought maybe if I made a list I would be more inclined to actually do them rather than staying at home avoiding the cold. Hence this list!
So here are the things I’d like to do this year:
- See some Christmas lights
- Get a real tree (and make space for it somewhere in the house)
Have some hot gluhwein on a cold eveningGo to a Christmas market- Take the little lady to pick a bauble for the tree
- Christmas baking
See some festive fireworks- Do Christmas cards
- Have a Christmas movie day
- Do some Christmas crafts with the little lady
- Perhaps even do some Christmas crafts of my own
- Visit Edinburghs Christmas fairground
- See some reindeer
- Write a letter to santa
- See a young kids panto
- Christmas Eve boxes
- Have our annual gingerbread house competition (this year it’ll be ikea premade gingerbread!)
- Take the little lady to the Irn Bru carnival