The toddler and the pussy cat, not quite in a pea green boat

Tinky is our rescue cat of 10 years, possibly Turkish Van, at least 14 years old, boss of every dog she ever met (and that’s a lot), arch-nemesis of the hoover, and fan of tuna and lazing in sunny spots, or snoozing on the warm tiles in the bathroom. She doesn’t love new things, and …

A cool infographic illustrating young child development stages

Thought this was a really cool infographic that illustrates the main thing you need to know about each age until your kid is 5.

“Don’t underestimate me” accompanied by That Look (you know the one) is pretty much the little lady’s tag line right now. And I remember the “I’m not a little baby” phase all too well. “Nurture me” feels like it happened forever ago though. Sigh.

Heads of Ayr Farm Park

There’s so much to do at Heads of Ayr Farm Park. There are play areas galore, trampolines, animals to feed, soft play. Great day out. Here’s our review!

Lollipop Land

We’d heard good things about Lollipop Land soft play in East Kilbride so we thought we’d check it out. It’s located in PlaySport, the same leisure precinct as Air Space, but once you’ve turned off the main road it’s really unclear where you’re supposed to go. There are no signs for it anywhere until you …

How Time Has Flown

Sop alert: This time 2 years ago I was in the labour ward, probably at about 7cms, and the little lady had decided she was staying in there. How time has flown! My tiny baby is now a little girl. I have a wonderfully funny, hilariously clumsy, singularly independent (but sometimes not), adventurous, inquisitive, shy …

Nana Momo Makes Handmade Kids Clothing

I’ve been meaning to write this for a while. When I was trying to find the photos it almost came out like an ode to my 6-months-ago-18-month-old but I stopped myself…! You know those outfits that your kid wears at least twice a week; straight out of the machine and back on the the kid again (with …

Calderglen Country Park

There’s plenty green space to run or have a picnic in and little animal lovers will enjoy the children’s zoo. The walks down by the river are lovely too.

Disclosure: I am a Gaelic learner

I love languages. I’ve always wanted to really learn a language other than English, but I’ve always had an excuse not to: too busy with studying, 20’s nonsense, working, travelling, a wedding here, a honeymoon there, a baby… I have dabbled in languages before. I did French & German in school, Spanish for a little …

Dinner at Browns Restaurant Glasgow

We were out with family last week for a little celebration dinner. It wasn’t really in aid of anything, but who needs a reason to celebrate? We were meeting in town, and decided to wander along to George Square, to Browns. We’ve been to Browns a few times with the little lady, including once when …

Tiny Academy at The Climbing Academy

Like pretty much every other toddler on the planet, the little lady absolutely loves to climb. Everything. She’s a maniac. And she clearly has no understanding (not even a tiny inkling) of what it might feel like to fall off that fence or that table or that window ledge. I should probably stop her from climbing everything, but …

Swimming at Eastwood Park Pool

We met some baby buddies at Eastwood Pool recently. I’d heard rave reviews about it from some other mummy friends, so we had to check it out! The Pool There are two parts to the pool area. There’s the main swimming pool with lanes for doing some real swimming or lessons, and a larger unlaned …

Palacerigg Country Park

We braved the Scottish summer and went to Palacerigg Country Park. Nice little childrens farm and good swing park. Nice walk for dogs. Great little day out.

Adventure Planet (again)

We had so much fun at Adventure Planet this afternoon that I had to write a little bit about it. I wrote a review not too long ago, so I’m not doing another one just yet! But the slides are still the slidiest. And there’s still hundreds of them.

The slides are waaay too fast for the little lady to go up by herself (she can’t even do the one in the 0-3 bit without cracking her head) so I was up in there with her the entire time. Don’t think I need to go that run tonight now. Exhausted.

You can find my previous full review of Adventure Planet here.

5 Things Breastfeeding Advocates Need To Stop Doing

I breastfed my little lady for a year. And I loved breastfeeding. It was so convenient. It worked for me and my little lady. And I support anyone who wants to feed their baby in whatever way they want to, anywhere they want to. But I do think that some people just need to chill out sometimes.

Play Kingdom

We were over near The Forge recently and decided to check out Play Kingdom soft play while we were around. (I’ve managed to delete and lose all but one of my photos from this soft play. Apologies). The Play Area The main play area is a reasonable size. There are a few levels for them …

London With A Toddler

We took a trip to London last weekend to meet up with family and friends. It’s a bit of an annual pilgrimage for us, usually taking in a bit of Wimbledon action and various other exciting events. But that’s not really possible with a toddler. So although we did some stuff for us (like a gig, …

Berry Picking at East Yonderton Farm

I’ve been dying to go berry picking for ages. So when a friend suggested we go check out East Yonderton Farm in Renfrew I was ready.

We went this morning and had a great time. The strawberries are in season just now, as are the blackcurrants, peas and gooseberries (although the latter is a bit too spiky for a toddler to pick).

We picked strawberries. It was a bit of a walk to the strawberry field (for a toddler – not for an adult or a slightly older child – and only because they walk so slowly and get distracted by grass, mud, an aeroplane, puddles, signs and anything else they find) so next time I might consider taking the pram along. The little lady wasn’t up for walking on the way back and she was pretty mucky, so I also ended up pretty mucky!

It is a farm, so the paths are grassy and muddy and puddly. Wellies are a very good idea. Unfortunately I realised this morning as we were leaving that the little lady’s wellies were waaaay too small, so we had to go with a sightly less appropriate footwear option, and ended up with rather wet feet. She was enjoying splashing in the puddles so much I didn’t have the heart to stop her. What’s a bit of water, after all…

The strawberries are so red; they look and smell amazing. You’re not supposed to eat them in the field, but every time I looked at the little lady she had taken another bite. She has been very fussy with her strawberries for months – she’ll take a bite and if they aren’t nice she’ll just hand me the strawberry/bowl back. So that is most definitely the ultimate endorsement from her. And now that I’ve also tasted them, I can confirm that they taste amazing too.

We filled a basket (really filled a basket) and it cost £8.

The Farm is out by Glasgow Airport, about a 15 minute drive from Charing Cross. The little road you need to turn down to get to East Yonderton is signposted from Barnsford Rd/A726. It’s easy to find.

There is a toilet at the other side of the field to the car park. It’s perfectly nice, but it amused me. This is it:


Now, it’s jam time. 🙂

East Yonderton Farm is located at Walkinshaw Rd, Renfrew, PA4 9L. It says on google maps that it’s closed permanently, but it definitely isn’t.