Showing: 1 - 20 of 25 RESULTS

20 Random Facts

I was nominated on instagram ages ago to do a “20 random facts” post. It was actually quite fun thinking them up, so I thought I’d share them here too. Here they are: I met my husband when I was 18. I have now been with him more than half of my life. I love …

5 things I’m most grateful for

The beginning of a New Year always makes me think about my life; where I am, where I am going and my plans for the future. It’s at times like this, thinking about the past year, where I feel incredibly grateful. Grateful about lots of things that have happened in my life and the people …

Highs and Lows of 2017

I find it quite cathartic, looking back and reflecting on a whole year. I tend to forget lots of things that happen which can sometimes skew my view, and I think looking back really helps to put things in perspective. So here is my 2017!

Pregnancy update: 41 weeks

Last Saturday was due date. I spent the entire weekend, plus a few days afterwards willing baby to come out. Due date felt like reaching a huge milestone: the end of pregnancy and the beginning of a brand new chapter in the life of our family. But it wasn’t yet. This little one has kept …

Pregnancy update: 28 weeks

I’m 28 weeks pregnant. I can’t believe how quickly this pregnancy is going. I feel like time has sped up since before our little lady was born almost 3 years ago. As with my last pregnancy, I’ve been so lucky and everything has been going well. I feel great. I wish my hair had become beautifully …

Looking to the future

Yesterday was a dark, tumultuous day. I didn’t really know what to say about the EU referendum result so I said nothing. Even today I feel like most of my thoughts aren’t particularly coherent. But I don’t think, like many are suggesting, that the leave voters were all racists & xenophobes. Yes, some of them …

5 UK trips I want to take in the next year

Chester Zoo I used to work in Chester Zoo and I have incredibly fond memories of my time there. So it is pretty special to me. I absolutely love the place. I worked in most of the different animal departments and met lots of wonderful characters; human and non-human! And quite a few of the …